Volume 5 September 2019

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From the Heart of the DS

This section is a window to the heart and mind of our district superintendent, Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester. May we find a sense of guidance and pastoral care from his missive.

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Funny Things Are Everywhere


As the saying goes, "Laughter is the best medicine." We are dedicating this section in our hopes to put a smile on your face and brighten your day.

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Connecticut in Mission


You will hear stories of missionaries and their ministries and see ways to be connected and support them. 

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Best Practices in Ministry 


We share resources, experiences, stories, practices and ways of addressing recurring topics. 

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Gnosis 2019


The Greek word, gnosis, refers to not any knowledge but a higher form of knowledgeWe want to provide you a great educational tool to a wide array of topics related to our lives and ministries. 

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A Pastor Speaks


The spiritual health of a pastor really ought to be a priority for his or her congregation. We want to share inspiring and insightful sermons and articles. 

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Connecticut Youth in Action


Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with God prepares them to serve Christ in all they do in their adulthood.

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We pray because we believe in the power of prayer. Prayer keeps us connected with God and with one another. 

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Mark Your Calendar


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