

Greetings Metropolitan District Council On Ministries, 

I hope this message finds each of you healthy and happy. 

District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Denise Smartt Sears and District Council Chairperson Rev. Morais Quissico request your presence & participation at a District Council on Ministries meeting on Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 10am - 12pm. 

This meeting will take place at New Rochelle United Methodist Church, New Rochelle, NY. 

Please email the district office to confirm or decline your participation (

Peace & Blessings, 


Rev. Dr. Denise
Smartt Sears,

Rev. Dr. William
G. Smartt,
Assisting Elder

Mr. QuiShaun Hill,
Administrative Asst.

Metropolitan District
475 Riverside Drive,
Room 1922
New York, NY 10115
Phone: (212) 870-3090
Fax: (212) 870-3091

New York Annual
Conference of The United
Methodist Church

Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.